The “God Mode” or Master Control Panel is a feature that can be found hidden in Windows 7 and Windows Vista. The hidden mode allows you to view and adjust all settings within Windows. In Windows 7 the same mode offers an easy access to all the administrative options.
The administrative options appear scattered in the Control Panel of windows 7 but when in the secret mode, the same options appear well organized under a single window.
Master Control Panel / God Mode in Windows
To be precise, the so called God Mode brings in all aspects of Windows Vista/Windows 7 control in a single place. It collects all of the Control Panel functions, interface customization or other accessibility options under a single window.
The mode is also known as “All Tasks” and you can get more information about it from Windows Registry. Simply type regedit in RUN or Start Menu Searchbox and press Enter. It’ll open Registry Editor. Go to to following key:
Alternatively, you can press “Ctrl+F” in Registry Editor and search for the following string. It’ll open the same key for you.
Registry key
Here is a simple hack that can enable you to place ALL the Tasks Control Panel and System Settings in ONE place!
Enable Master Control Panel/God Mode in Windows
Create a new folder on your Windows desktop.
Name the folder as :
Master Control.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
The icon will change !
Now open the folder and see the magic of Windows Registry!
You will see that the folder contains all the shortcuts to the Tasks Control Panel and System Settings.
Move the folder to the C drive, and create its shortcut there. Cut paste this shortcut in folder C:\Users\Owner\Start Menu\Programs. This will display the shortcut in the Start Menu for easy access.
This works quite well on my 32bit Vista Ultimate. But if you find that this hack makes your explorer.exe unstable or makes it crash, I suggest you use the cmd to delete this folder, as follows:
Run cmd and copy paste this command and hit enter :
rd “Master Control.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}”
or alternatively, if it doesnt help
rd “c:\users\%username%\desktop\Master Control.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}”
PS : This tweak is incompatible with 64-bit version of Windows Vista.
This registry hack is available in windows 7 too.
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